Myth #1
Palm oil is unhealthy
Contrary to the misconception, Palm oil is a health ally. Packed with vision-boosting beta-carotene and heart-healthy unsaturated fats, along with vital vitamins A and E, it's a nourishing addition to any diet.
Myth #2
Palm oil is cheap therefore it’s low-quality
Affordability doesn't mean low quality. Palm Oil's high yield per land unit breaks this myth. delivering superior quality at lower cost due to efficient production, not compromised standards. A win for consumers and sustainability alike.
Myth #3
Oil Palm cultivation causes deforestation
In India, Oil Palm is responsibly grown as a horticulture crop on designated agricultural lands, replacing other cash crops and leaving forest land completely untouched.
Myth #4
Oil Palm cultivation is causing environmental harm
On the contrary, Oil Palm plantations are environmental allies, absorbing a remarkable 161 tons of Co2 per hectare per year.